Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Indian Reservation

I just can't seem to let a blog remain empty and since the scavenger hunt is still a ways off...

When I was a kid (I'm showing my age) the United States was going through some pretty turbulent times. Most people know about Vietnam and the Civil Rights efforts of Martin Luther King, but not everyone remembers it was also an era of Indian rights.

With events such as the passage of the Indian Civil Rights act in 1968 and the publication of I Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee in 1970, the Indian rights movement even became a large part of our popular culture.

This reached somewhat of a zenith in 1971 when the American rock band Paul Revere and the Raiders, briefly took off their tri-cornered hats and serenaded the airwaves with Indian Reservation (Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian).

The song took America by storm and for many years was the biggest single ever released on Columbia records.

I wasn't surprised to see a homemade video for the song on YouTube. Nothing on YouTube surprises me.

I'm sure the song doesn't quite resonate today the way it did nearly 36 years ago, but it's still an interesting slice of pop culture and not entirely off topic.

'til people remember


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